To students:
I make every effort to keep the material on this site up to date. However, like all professors, I occasionally change the parameters of assignments to meet the needs of a specific class, or otherwise improve the learning experience. Students should regard the versions of materials handed out in class as authoritative if there is a difference in requirements between them and the materials on this site.

To faculty:
You should feel welcome to use any material here that might be useful to you, provided you leave text, including copyright notices and art, intact. Please let me know via e-mail if you find anything on this site that is of use to you.

External Resources

Links to educational, informative, and fun design sites.


I give these technical guides out in many of my classes:

NEW: Ledes and Nuts
A short guide to getting an essay off on the right track.

Magazine Anatomy and Terminology
Intended for both Editorial Design and Writing for Designers, this handout is a visual guide to design and type vocabulary and a survey of editorial design methods and principles.

Writing for Designers
A guide to writing about graphic design and designed artifacts.

NEW: A Brief Guide to Design Briefs
An basic approach to creating a simple design proposal.

Using QuarkXpress (or InDesign), Illustrator, and Photoshop together
A guide to successful integration of the three major DTP programs

A Guide to Printing
Includes one method for making high-quality PDF’s, a discussion of reader v. printer spreads, and a simple method for comp’ing booklets

First Steps Towards Professional Type
Rules for spaces, dashes, quotes and apostrophes

Controlling Color
Color theory for designers, getting good printed results



Fast Cheap and Out of Control: Producing Great Pages at a College Publication.
I spoke at the
Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisers 25th Annual National College Newspaper, Yearbook & Media Advising Workshops in August, 2008. The above links to a pdf of my talk outline.

Eight Ways to Improve Your Magazine Right Now
I spoke at Folio 2006 on ways to improve a small magazine without going through a full redesign.

Big Design, Little Money
I gave a seminar in 2005 at a CampusProgress conference on producing effective pages at a student newspaper. Here is my outline, along with suggestions for further reading.


Jandos Rothstein, Editorial Design, Publication Branding and Design Journalism
Copyright 2005—2008, Jandos Rothstein
Portfolio | Writing | For Students | About Me | Links | Contact

Spring 2008

Current classes: AVT 313, Special Topics: Illustration,

Other classes: AVT 395AVT 311, AVT 215, AVT 180, Internships